Day 1. One second everyday - Cesar Kuriyama
Day 2. Try something new for 30 days - Matt Cutts
Day 3. Build a tower, build a team - Tom Wujec
Day 4. Underwater astonishment - David Gallo
Day 5. Wearing nothing new - Jessi Arrington
Day 6. Ingenious homes in unexpected places - Iwan Baan
Day 7. Why videos go viral - Kevin Allocca
Day 8. My invention that made peace with Lions. - Richard Turere
Day 9. Before I die, I want to... - Candy Chang
Day 10. The rise of personal robots - Cynthia Breazeal
Day 11. How to make stress your friend - Kelly McGonigal
Day 12. I'm not your inspiration, thank you very much - Stella Young
Day 13. How I held my breath for 17 minutes - David Blaine
Day 14. Making peace is a marathon - May El-Khalil
Day 15. Your body language shapes who you are - Amy Cuddy
Day 16. I got 99 problems. Palsy is just one - Maysoon Zayid
Day 17. Why we do what we do - Tony Robbins
Day 18. Why I must come out - Geena Rocero
Day 19. My escape from North Korea - Hyeonseo Lee