General English - Advanced level, Part 5 (20 Lessons)
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Lesson 1. Exaggeration and understatement
In this lesson students learn how and when to use exaggeration and understatement in their spoken English.
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Lesson 2. A lucky find
This lesson plan is based on an article about an unemployed American man who found a signed Picasso print at a thrift store. The lesson features an activity on phrasal verbs.
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Lesson 3. Music
This worksheet covers vocabulary related to music, including English words for musical instruments, adjectives and expressions for describing music as well as common idioms related to music. The lesson plan includes speaking activities as well as a listening exercise in which the students describe six music samples.
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Lesson 4. Happy New Year!
This worksheet is a great lesson filler to use before or after New Year's Day. Students read about some unusual New Year's Eve traditions around the world and look at idioms related to the New Year. Use this lesson plan to stimulate a conversation about New Year traditions and celebrations.
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Lesson 5. In the city
This video-enhanced lesson plan will help your students talk about cities in a more descriptive manner. If you do not have the means to play the video clips in the lesson, follow the instructions in the teacher notes for alternative activities.
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Lesson 6. Wildlife
This multimedia-enriched vocabulary lesson is a great way to expand your students' vocabulary for describing animals and their habitats. Students listen and learn how to describe animal sounds and watch video clips of animals in action. The lesson rounds off with an exercise on idioms related to animals and a discussion activity. The worksheet is a must for animal lovers.
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Lesson 7. Special days
In this lesson, students learn vocabulary related to special days -- celebrations, commemorations, festivals, memorials, etc. The worksheet includes a short text on an unusual celebration held in Britain every year on November 5, known as Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night or Fireworks Night. At the end of the lesson, students talk about unusual special days in their own countries.
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Lesson 8. Procrastination
Do you or your students procrastinate? This worksheet is based on a newspaper article that discusses procrastination and presents a few creative solutions for avoiding idle behaviour. The lesson provides plenty of opportunities for speaking.
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Lesson 9. Holiday myths
In this lesson, students read an article on ‘holiday myths’ – common misconceptions about holiday risks and dangers. Students study vocabulary for talking about first-aid and hygiene. At the end of the lesson there is a discussion activity on the potential dangers while on holiday/vacation and precautions that should be taken.
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Lesson 10. The sea
In this lesson, students learn and practise vocabulary for describing the sea as well as idioms related to the sea and ocean.
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Lesson 11. Relationships
This lesson incorporates a lot of vocabulary and discussion for talking about relatives, relationships and dating. Cultural sensitivity should be taken into account before deciding to use this worksheet with your students.
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Lesson 12. Films-Movies
In this lesson, students learn and practise vocabulary related to films.
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Lesson 13. Superstition
This lesson is suitable for any time of the year, but ideal on a Friday the 13th. Students read an article on the origins of common superstitions and discuss the topic of irrational beliefs. In the grammar section of the worksheet, the passive structures used throughout the article are studied and practised.
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Lesson 14. Sound
Vocabulary for describing sounds and noises is often overlooked in traditional courses. In this lesson, students learn how to describe sounds using a variety of nouns and adjectives. There is a listening activity in which particular sounds are associated with various adjectives.
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Lesson 15. The boomerang generation
In this lesson students read an article on the ‘boomerang generation’ – young adults who have found themselves moving back in with their parents due to a combination of increasing property prices, student debt and the UK job market situation. Students also study and put into practise several phrasal verbs used in article. At the end of the lesson, they discuss how the article topic relates to their own countries.
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Lesson 16. Body language
In this lesson, students learn and practise a variety of verbs, collocations and idioms related to body language, movements and gestures. Students learn how to be more descriptive when talking about common emotions and non-verbal signals.
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Lesson 17. Going viral
In this lesson, students watch Kevin Allocca, the trends manager at YouTube, talk about how and why online videos go viral. Phrasal verbs and other words/expressions used in the talk are studied and practised. Students discuss the worksheet topic at the end of the lesson.
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Lesson 18. Silent ambition
In this lesson, students watch Derek Sivers talk about the importance of keeping silent about one’s personal goals. Expressions for describing different degrees of accomplishment are studied. Students discuss the worksheet topic at the end of the lesson.
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Lesson 19. The future of reading
In this lesson, students learn some common verbs for describing how to physically interact with iPads, iPhones and other touchscreen devices. The lesson is based on a video demonstration of new type of interactive e-book developed for the iPhone and iPad. Students watch the demonstration and complete the vocabulary exercises. The topic of interactive e-books is discussed at the end of the lesson. Students also have the opportunity to talk about global warming issues, which is the subject of the book ‘Our Choice’ by Al Gore presented in the video clip.
This lesson should be of particular interest to students who regularly use touchscreen devices. Additional video files are provided to demonstrate a few of the multi-touch gestures presented in Exercise 2 (source: Wikipedia).
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Lesson 20. The media
In this lesson, students learn and practise vocabulary for describing the media.